Sign up for Dr. G’s Superintendent’s Leadership Academy 2020-2021

Logo for the Superintendent's Leadership Academy

Attention Da Vinci Student Leaders!

If you are interested in being considered for membership in Dr. G’s Superintendent’s Leadership Academy 2020-2021, e-mail --_ybv:y}hrx[ng;bv:rnhz{mww]w]d?w]rg_-- by Tuesday, September 29th at 4 P.M. If you were Leadership Academy or Junior Academy members last year, you are already on the list to be reviewed by administration so no need to send an email. All students, both face-to-face and virtual are eligible to sign up. Criteria considered for membership includes:

  • Attendance
  • Discipline Record
  • Academic Standing

Administration will review candidates and invite notices will be sent to those selected Friday, October 2nd. A group of senior interns pose for a pictureMembers will:

  • Meet with the Superintendent throughout the year to learn what it takes to be an effective leader
  • Serve as an ambassador of our schools at functions
  • Serve as a voice of the Da Vinci student population
  • Be eligible to serve as a Superintendent Intern when a Da Vinci senior.