Parent Involvement and Engagement

The Burnham Wood Family of Charter Schools recognizes the essential role that parent involvement and engagement play towards student success. Throughout the year, our district’s schools make every effort to communicate and ingratiate parents and families to the school’s mission to support our students. The following are efforts that our district and campuses make towards supporting our students through parent involvement and engagement:

  • The District Superintendent publishes both District and Campus magazines and newsletters that celebrate student and program success, while encouraging parents to be involved through article, pictures and idea contributions.
  • The District Superintendent and campus administrators foster an “open door policy” for parents to encourage parents to be heard regarding student related issues.
  • The District provides professional development opportunities to educate teachers, staff and administration about effective strategies to engage parents in their child’s education.
  • The District invites all parents to be involved in the development of the District and Campus Improvement Plans.
  • All schools host a state mandated Annual Title I Parent Meeting to inform parents and families of their school’s participation in Title I, the requirements of the Title I program, and to explain the right of parents to be involved in their student’s education.
  • All schools create a Student/Parent/School Compact that serves as a formal commitment of all stakeholders to a student’s education.
  • All schools create a School Policy for Parent Involvement and Engagement.
  • All schools invite all parents to participate in the development of the Student/Parent/School Compact and Policy for Parent Involvement and Engagement.
  • All schools host biannual Open House events to introduce new programs, develop a dialogue between parents, families, administration and staff.
  • All schools host Parent-Teacher Conference events during which student progress and successes are celebrated. Parent and teacher concerns can also be addressed during this time.
  • All schools introduce and maintain a parent portal to encourage an open communication between staff and parents regarding student progress in all classes.
  • All schools maintain communication with parents through a school messenger system.
  • All schools create a district and campus website to communicate information to parents regarding upcoming events, and relevant information to their student’s education.
  • All schools host Academic Parent Nights, including STAAR, Math, and Reading nights to encourage parents to be directly involved with student skill enhancement.
  • All schools host Festivals/Carnival events to ingratiate our families and the community to our programs.
  • All schools host biannual Music Recitals and Concerts to celebrate with families the musical proficiency of our students.
  • All schools host Academic Recognition events to celebrate with families the academic accomplishments of our students.
  • All schools host Sports Recognition events to celebrate with families the sports accomplishments of our students.
  • All schools encourage parents to act as volunteers at their child’s schools.
Title I School-Parent Compact (English)
School Parental Involvement Policy (English)

Título I Pacto Escuela-Padre (Español)
Política de Participación de los Padres Escolares (Español)