School Life

At Burnham Wood Schools, we seek to provide the most meaningful educational experience our students will have in their lives. As an extension of the classroom, the after-school program is an integral part of that experience. This program provides students with the opportunity to deeply explore the activities and interscholastic sports which interest them. Students also have the chance to step outside their comfort zone and try something new, without the fear of failing, or not being included. Superintendent, Dr. Gonzales has implemented programs of inclusion. All students that choose to participate will be allowed to participate.

By participating in afternoon programs, students develop lifelong 21st century skills such as leadership, group dynamics, overcoming adversity and empathy, as well as discovering the importance of balancing the body and mind. Howard Burnham Charter Schools feel that allowing our students to collaborate and engage with others both in and outside of their schools and sharing in group success is vital to the educational experience that we offer.