Public Information Requests

The Texas Public Information Act gives the public the right to request access to government information. To trigger an obligation under the Texas Public Information Act, submit the completed Public Information Act Information Request Form via U.S. Mail or Electronic Mail to the following addresses:

U.S. Mail:Dr. Joe E. Gonzales
785 Southwestern Drive
El Paso, TX 79912-1240
To ensure the process proceeds as quickly and smoothly as possible, here are a few tips:
  • Be sure that your description is as precise as possible. Otherwise, you may be contacted to clarify the nature and scope of the request.
  • Requests should only go to the above addresses. For proof of delivery, consider using services such as Certified Mail, Return Receipt, and/or a service with tracking.
  • Request documents or information that already exists.
  • Governmental bodies are not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or comply with a request to supply information on a periodic basis.
  • Some requests may incur a charge, such as those requiring a large number of copies and/or manipulation/processing of data.