Title IX

The Burnham Wood Family of High-Performing Charter Schools is committed to providing every child, employee, visitor, and vendor an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. A safe and nurturing educational and work environment ensures our students’ educational success and allows our employees to better serve our students. Title IX applies to all students, employees, visitors, and vendors at all Burnham Wood campuses, property, activities, and programs.

The following person has been designated as the Title IX Coordinator for the district:

Name: Taylor J. Glenn, Esq.
Position: District Coordinator of Compliance & Safety/District Title IX Coordinator
Address: 785 Southwestern Drive, El Paso, TX 79912
E-Mail: --_tgly}nn;bv:rnhz{mww]w]d?w]rg_--
Telephone: (915) 584-4024 Ext. 108

Any individual may report sex discrimination (including sexual harassment) at any time (including during non-business hours) by mail, phone, or e-mail.

Training Materials

See Also