Combination Model of Instruction Provides Choices

Spaced out students along a walking path at Linguistic AcademyBurnham Wood Family of Charter Schools has again taken the lead when assuring that our students have every opportunity to succeed, whether it be through face-to-face instruction or virtual live streaming of classes. Superintendent Dr. Gonzales stated:

"We have learned that children learn best in a face-to-face pedagogical environment. Most educational experts proclaim that receiving lessons in a purely technological setting causes most children to perform at a 30% deficit from the traditional teacher-to-student and student-to-student setting. It is difficult to substitute solely technological classrooms for person-to-person classrooms. That is not to say that students did not learn and progress in a distance learning program, as some students actually received better grades in some classes and preferred the virtual learning platform."
Spaced out students along a walking path at Linguistic AcademyOn Tuesday, September 8, 2020, the district welcomed its first group of students to begin face-to-face learning on all campuses, grades Pre-K3 through 12th grade. Schools began their combination model for the delivery of instruction. Dr. Gonzales offered in his "Back to School" message to parents and families:
"The combination model provides choices. A student may choose to attend school on campus and be involved in direct face-to-face instruction. This model is the same as the historic method of instruction delivery. Other students may choose to to receive the same instruction, but through a virtual platform. That is, these students will receive their instruction via an electronic device away from the campus setting. Both sets of students will receive the same instruction from the same instructors at the same time via face-to-face teaching and live streaming to students who are at home. The choice for on-campus or at-home learning is totally up to the parents. All our campuses have been contacting parents to ascertain which instructional delivery method is preferred by the parents and students. All classes will be in real-time (live). Tutoring will be available to any student who would benefit from tutoring."