DV Early Dismissal & Parent Conferences

Dear Da Vinci Parents and Guardians,

Students will be having an early dismissal on Friday, September 25, 2020 due to Parent Teacher conferences. Students will be attending 2nd, 4th and 6th periods only.

  • 2nd period: 8:15 A.M.-9:45 A.M.
  • 4th period: 9:50 A.M.-11:20 A.M.
  • Lunch: 11:20 A.M.-12:20 P.M.
  • 6th period: 12:25 P.M.-1:15 P.M.
Student dismissal will be the following:
  • 6th & 7th graders: 1:05 P.M.
  • 8th & 9th graders: 1:10 P.M.
  • 10th-12th graders: 1:15 P.M.
Please sign up to meet with your child’s/children’s teachers using the following link: Google Sheets

If you need help in signing up, please watch the following tutorials, available in English and Spanish.
English Tutorial | Spanish Tutorial

Thank you,
Da Vinci Administration Team

LA Early Dismissal & Parent Conferences

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Kindly be advised that this Friday, September 25, 2020, we will have our first Parent/Teacher conferences. We will also be having an early release/dismissal for our students. Teachers will schedule 10- to 15-minute conferences via ZOOM with each parent starting at 1:00 P.M.

Early Dismissal Times

  • PK3 (A) & (B): 11:30 A.M.
  • PK 4 (A) & (B): 11:45 A.M.
  • Kinder & First: 12:00 P.M.
  • Second & Third: 12:15 P.M.
  • Fourth & Fifth: 12:30 P.M.
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (915) 331-4397.

The Linguistic Academy of El Paso: A Cultural Demonstration Site

Estimado Padre o Tutor,

Le avisamos que este viernes 25 de septiembre, se llevará a cabo nuestras primeras conferencias entre padres/tutores y maestro, por lo que los alumnos saldrán temprano ese día. Los maestros establecerán una conferencia de 10 a 15 minutos con cada padre/tutor, empezando a la 1:00p.m. a través de ZOOM.

Horarios de Salidas:

  • PK3 (A) & (B): 11:30 A.M.
  • PK 4 (A) & (B): 11:45 A.M.
  • Kinder & Primero: 12:00 P.M.
  • Segundo & Tercero: 12:15 P.M.
  • Cuarto & Quinto: 12:30 P.M.
Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta con mucho gusto le atenderemos al teléfono (915) 331-4397.

The Linguistic Academy of El Paso: A Cultural Demonstration Site

Combination Model of Instruction Provides Choices

Spaced out students along a walking path at Linguistic AcademyBurnham Wood Family of Charter Schools has again taken the lead when assuring that our students have every opportunity to succeed, whether it be through face-to-face instruction or virtual live streaming of classes. Superintendent Dr. Gonzales stated:

"We have learned that children learn best in a face-to-face pedagogical environment. Most educational experts proclaim that receiving lessons in a purely technological setting causes most children to perform at a 30% deficit from the traditional teacher-to-student and student-to-student setting. It is difficult to substitute solely technological classrooms for person-to-person classrooms. That is not to say that students did not learn and progress in a distance learning program, as some students actually received better grades in some classes and preferred the virtual learning platform."
Spaced out students along a walking path at Linguistic AcademyOn Tuesday, September 8, 2020, the district welcomed its first group of students to begin face-to-face learning on all campuses, grades Pre-K3 through 12th grade. Schools began their combination model for the delivery of instruction. Dr. Gonzales offered in his "Back to School" message to parents and families:
"The combination model provides choices. A student may choose to attend school on campus and be involved in direct face-to-face instruction. This model is the same as the historic method of instruction delivery. Other students may choose to to receive the same instruction, but through a virtual platform. That is, these students will receive their instruction via an electronic device away from the campus setting. Both sets of students will receive the same instruction from the same instructors at the same time via face-to-face teaching and live streaming to students who are at home. The choice for on-campus or at-home learning is totally up to the parents. All our campuses have been contacting parents to ascertain which instructional delivery method is preferred by the parents and students. All classes will be in real-time (live). Tutoring will be available to any student who would benefit from tutoring."

Da Vinci Robotics is Heading to Space!

A view of the International Space Station with a red arrow pointing at the Columbus External Payload Facility
The winning projects will be placed in an enclosure and mounted outside the Columbus Module of the International Space Station.
Following the high expectations of excellence set by our superintendent, Dr. G, for all students across the district, the Da Vinci Robotics Program has reached even greater heights. Students enrolled in Da Vinci’s Robotics classes under the direction of engineering teacher and district robotics coordinator, Alfredo Muñoz, have been identified as one of only two teams in the nation that will be sending a self-created experiment into space. Leading up to the final decision on the two winning teams, Da Vinci Robotics represented two of the four final teams competing to send their self-created research project to the International Space Station.

Logo of the DETECTS program, depicting a stylized magnifying glass pointing at a red dot with a yellow glow. Along the left side of the magnifying glass is part of a gear in yellow with a bit of red on the right side.The DETECTS Initiative invited high school teams from all over the U.S. to submit their proposed research designs. Sponsors, The University of Alabama at Huntsville, and SPARC Laboratory then evaluated the proposed projects for their effectiveness in meeting all challenge criteria.

The DETECTS challenge presented to students a year ago involves:

  • Two-semester, hands-on, space payload programming and testing challenge
  • Students designed a small Raspberry Pi experiment to be performed in Low-Earth orbit
  • Students will learn:
    • Basic Python programming
    • Basic circuit design
    • Experiment design and testing
    • Communication skills
    • Teamwork

Da Vinci’s Space Bound Winning Team and Project

Logo of the Toscani team, depicting a thermometer in front of a sun icon (representing summer), falling leaf (representing fall), snowflake (representing winter), and flower (representing spring)
  • Project Manager: Xavier Litman
  • Chief Engineer: Sebastian Banuelos
  • Design/Programming Lead: Seth Rodriguez
  • Design/Programming Member: Jessica Marquez
  • Test Engineer: Kimberly Cardona
  • ACE Lead: Alexandra Rodriguez
  • ACE Member: Jasmine Looney
The Toscani team's circuit board, showing a Raspberry Pi with a custom circuit board mounted to it. The custom circuit board has an accelerometer (a large rectangle on the left) and a thermometer (a slightly smaller rectangle just to the right of the accelerometer) visibly protruding.The Toscani project has several objectives:
  • Measure temperatures in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and identify any relationship between the on-Earth seasons and the temperature in LEO
  • Attempt to identify regions with the most greenhouse gas emissions
  • Measure the constant vibrations on the International Space Station (ISS) and any major changes in these vibrations to eventually identify how often the ISS gets re-boosted into orbit.
  • Potentially calculate the kinetic energy of their Raspberry Pi

Da Vinci Team Named to the Top 4 National Finalists

Logo of the GammaGang team, depicting a stylized box and the text "GammaGang" in various shades of green
  • Project Manager: Jonathan Herrera
  • Chief Engineer: Reagan Rubio
  • Design/Programming: Jonathan Gutierrez, Angel De Los Santos
  • Testing: Francisco Villagrana, Isaac Gomez, Ivan Iniquez
  • Marketing: Juan Santos, Alex Castro
The GammaGang's modified camera. The lens has been removed and replaced with an aluminum cover.The GammaGang project aimed to measure the amount of radiation in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and compare it to the levels on Earth using a modified digital camera, shown to the right.

The District is very proud of our Da Vinci Robotics Teams! Our appreciation goes to all those involved for the many long hours spent on these top-quality projects. These students serve as excellent representatives and ambassadors of what it means to be a student at Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts.

Elementary Teachers Answer Call for ESL Certification!

Congratulations to the following elementary teachers who recently were awarded their ESL certification:
Jamie Livingston: 2nd grade teacher
The Linguistic Academy of El Paso
Cristina Ortiz: 4th grade teacher
Howard Burnham Elementary
Lorraine Shetty: 2nd grade teacher
Howard Burnham Elementary
Miyeon Tombosky: 1st grade teacher
Vista Del Futuro
The ESL initiative to "GET CERTIFIED" is one that the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Gonzales has encouraged all district teachers to undertake. The list is certain to grow with many more teachers scheduled to test for their ESL certification later this summer. In recognition of the teachers’ efforts Dr. G. plans to approach the School Board regarding a stipend for all teachers with ESL certificates.

Dr. Joe E. Gonzales
Superintendent of Schools

For questions, contact: Dr. Yvette Buehring, Executive Coordinator for Development, Leadership and Student Advocacy

Da Vinci’s Valedictorian and Gates Scholar Featured on KVIA!

We have cause for great celebration! One of our own, Da Vinci Senior and Valedictorian, Jesus Olivares was selected to be featured on the weekly Channel 7 Community Champion segment! The segment, which aired on Wednesday, May 13th on the 7 P.M. and 10 P.M. newscasts, featured Jesse’s extraordinary opportunity of being selected as a Gates Scholar, one of only 300 in the nation, being accepted into Stanford University’s School of Engineering on a $320,000 scholarship, as well as his other noteworthy accomplishments while at Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts!

“The path to success is not easy, it is the sum of many efforts, however, reaching your goals is possible taking advantage of the opportunities offered at this school district. Initiatives like the Superintendent’s Leadership Academy prompt students to aim high and strive to reach their dreams.” – Jesus Olivares; Valedictorian, Class of 2020

As a Senior Intern for Superintendent, Dr. G., Jesse has evolved into quite the leader and academic scholar, serving as a prime example of what the Superintendent’s Leadership Program and high-rigor curriculum sets out to accomplish with all Burnham Wood Family of Charter Schools’ students. Congratulations Jesse!

Click the link to watch Jesse’s KVIA Community Champion Segment:

¡Tenemos motivos para una gran celebración! ¡Uno de los nuestros, el graduando de Da Vinci, Jesus Olivares, fue seleccionado para aparecer en el segmento semanal de Campeones de la Comunidad del canal 7! El cual salió al aire el miércoles 13 de mayo en los noticieros de las 7 PM y 10 PM, en este se presentó la extraordinaria oportunidad que obtuvo Jesse de ser seleccionado y aceptado, uno de los únicos 300 en la nación, como un becario “Gates”, en la Escuela de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Stanford con una beca de $320,000. ¡Así como otros logros destacables mientras estaba en la Escuela Da Vinci for Science and the Arts!

“El camino hacia el éxito no es fácil, es la suma de muchos esfuerzos, sin embargo, alcanzar tus metas es posible aprovechando las oportunidades que ofrece este distrito escolar. Oportunidades como la Academia de Liderazgo del Superintendente hacen que los estudiantes apunten alto y se esfuercen por alcanzar sus sueños”. – Jesús Olivares; Graduando de la Clase de 2020

Haga clic en el enlace para ver el segmento de campeones de la comunidad KVIA de Jesse:

Dr. Joe E. Gonzales
Superintendent of Schools

For questions, contact: Yvette Buehring M.Ed., District Development

School Lunch Available Starting August 10

Starting next Monday 8/10/2020, we are starting our student meals program for pick up. The program is open to all children from 1 year to 18 years. The schedule is as follows:

Burnham Wood District (HB, LA, DV) – Da Vinci Campus
Breakfast: 7 A.M.-10 A.M.
Lunch: 11 A.M.-1 P.M.

Vista del Futuro
Breakfast: 7 A.M.-10 A.M.
Lunch: 11 A.M.-1 P.M.

El próximo lunes 8 de agosto, empieza la distribucion de alimentos escolares para recoger en las instalaciones de nuestra preparatoria. El programa esta disponible para todos los niños apartir de 1 hasta los 18 años. El horario es el siguiente:

Burnham Wood District (HB, LA, DV) – Da Vinci Campus
Desayuno: 7 A.M.-10 A.M.
Comida: 11 A.M.-1 P.M.

Vista del Futuro
Desayuno: 7 A.M.-10 A.M.
Comida: 11 A.M.-1 P.M.

The National Honor Society at Da Vinci

The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921.

Our Induction Ceremony was held in December 19, 2019. In attendance were parents, family, and staff. Our school principal, Mr. Medina, gave special remarks to the NHS members. This formal candle-lighting ceremony marked the establishment of the Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts chapter of the National Honor Society. Inductees recited the NHS pledge and participated in the lighting of their individual candles to signify their entry into the NHS. This event was chaired by a committee of Da Vinci teachers and administration, who had the honor of welcoming new members into the NHS chapter.

The hard work and dedication of Ms. Cangas has led to the establishment of the Da Vinci School for Science and the Arts chapter of the National Honor Society. Ms. Cangas, a former student member of the National Honor Society herself, recognized the importance of providing the opportunity of NHS for Da Vinci students. Ms. Cangas worked alongside Mr. Colby to organize and establish the National Honor Society at Da Vinci, with the goal of elevating and highlighting some of the school’s brightest and most dedicated students.

The Four Pillars of the National Honor Society are Leadership, Service, Character, and Scholarship. Students selected for the inaugural members of Da Vinci’s National Honor Society embodied these qualities in exceptional ways. Leadership signifies the ability for our students to rise-up as leaders in their school and community, both in high school and in the future. Service represents the students’ dedication and commitment to charity and the well-being of others. Character denotes the qualities of honesty, dedication, work-ethic, and respect necessary for being shining members of our school and community. Finally, Scholarship speaks to the academic success and prowess of our remarkable young students.

Admission into the Da Vinci School for the Science and the Arts chapter of the National Honor Society was based on a combination of academic success and integrity, the ability to communicate effectively through writing, responsibility in accruing volunteer hours within the school and community, and a devotion to the scholarship and academics of our school. Each member’s admission packet was carefully pored by a selection committee of teachers at Da Vinci, with the best, brightest, and hardest-working students gaining entry into the National Honor Society.

Our members include:

  • Sebastian Banuelos
  • Emiliano Figueroa
  • Fatima Garcia
  • Daniela Gardea
  • Jonathan Herrera
  • Xavier Litman
  • Mia Maldonado
  • Nasya Moncada
  • Reagan Rubio
  • David Baca
  • Gavin Begin
  • Yesenia Contreras
  • Zachary Cross
  • Warren Goodell
  • Ruben Lopez
  • Francisco Molinar
  • Amelia Rubio
  • Jacob Sanchez
  • Luna Segura
  • Sebastian Velez
  • Maya Avila
  • Montserrat Cota
  • Jimena de la Torre
  • Victoria Garcia
  • Natalia Figueroa
  • Jocelynn Hernandez
  • Jesus Olivares
  • Isabella Perera
  • Atziri Reyes

Group picture of students in National Honor Society. Students in picture are listed above.