DV Early Dismissal 2/26

Dear Parents,

We will be dismissing early on February 26, 2021. Students will be dismissed by grade:

Lunch and Dismissal Times

Estimados padres,
Le avisamos que los alumnos saldrán temprano el viernes 26 de february, 2021.

Horarios de Almuerzos y Salidas

VDF Picture Retakes (Feb. 5)/Día de Retoma (5 de febrero)

Vista del Futuro will be having their Picture Day retakes for those who missed the fall picture day or want a retake. Enter through the front gate, slowly drive around the back of the school, and park on the side of the cafeteria. Temperatures will be taken prior to entering the building.

When:February 5, 2021
Time:8 A.M. and 3:30 P.M.
Attire:School uniform

Visit mylifetouch.com to order pictures. When asked, the picture day ID is EVT7RVDWC.

Vista del Futuro tendrá sus día de retoma para todos los que se perdieron el día de la fotografía o quieren volver a tomar sus fotografías. Por favor, entre al estacionamiento y siga directamente hacia atras del edificio, maneje despacio, hay clases afuera. Cada estudiante necesitara que se le tome la temperatura antes de poder entrar por las puertas de la cafetería.

Cuándo:5 de febrero de 2021
Tiempo:8 A.M. a 3:30 P.M.
Vestimenta:Uniforme escolar

Visite mylifetouch.com para pedir fotografías.
ID del día de la foto: EVT7RVDWC

Class shirts available through February 12

Sample of the DV class shirt showing the front (picturing a dragon in light green, with the text "House of Dragons" and "2020-2021"), the back (a sample featuring the text "Freshman Club" and "09"), and the sleeve detail (showing the letters DV and "El Paso")We want to thank those students who participated in the Da Vinci Class T-Shirt Contest. A huge congratulations to the winners, Holli Casto, Fátima Garcia, Vanessa Palacios! The shirts are now on sale for $10 (larger sizes $12) and will have a dragon logo on the front, a DV logo on the sleeve, and a grade level number on the back. (Staff shirts have "21" on the back instead of a grade level.) Show your school spirit and help support the Da Vinci International Club by purchasing a shirt!

Place your order by filling out the order form and paying at the front office. Copies of the form are available there. If you are unable to come in person, please contact Mrs. Montes Anchondo to work out an arrangement.

Thank you for your support!

If you would like information regarding the International Club’s 2022 Europe trip, contact Mrs. Montes Anchondo or Mr. Carlos Garcia.

Seniors should contact Ms. Aguirre or Mr. P. Hernandez for information about senior class shirts.

Queremos agradecer a todos los alumnos que participaron en la competencia para el diseño de las playeras de generación. ¡Felicidades a los ganadores: Holli Casto, Fátima Garcia, y Vanessa Palacios! Las playeras están a la venta por $10 ($12 por tallas más grande) y tendrán un dragón enfrente, el logo de Da Vinci en la manga y el grado en la parte trasera. ¡Apoyen al Club Internacional comprando una playera!

Para odernar, llenen el formulario y realicen su pago en la oficina principal. Allí tienen copias del formulario. Si no les es posible venir en persona, favor de contactar a la Mtra. Montes Anchondo para realizar su orden.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Si necesitan informes sobre el viaje a Europa 2022 del Club Internacional favor de contactar a la Mtra. Montes Anchondo o al Mtro. Carlos Garcia.

Estudiantes en el grado duodécimo deben contactar Mtra. Aguirre o Mtro. P. Hernandez para más información.

2019-2020 School Report Cards Now Available!

The 2019-2020 school report card for Vista del Futuro is now available. The Texas Education Agency issues the school report card annually and each school sends the report card to parents. All parents should receive a letter with details about the report card as well as a copy of the full report card. You may read the full letter and report card here. The school report cards and other accountability information is always available from the accountability page accessible from the Parents menu above.