Course Request forms now available!

Attention parents of students in grades 5-10:

You should receive one or more e-mails about the importance of filling out course request forms for your child/children for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. Following the steps below will give your child the best chance of receiving the classes you/they want.

  1. Enrollment Packet: If you have not turned in your enrollment packet for next year, we will need that first. We cannot process your course requests until we receive the enrollment packet. You can turn in your completed enrollment packet at the same time as your course request form.
  2. Course Request: Fill out the course request form for the grade your child will attend next school year. (For example, if your child is in sixth grade, you should fill out the seventh grade form.) If you have more than one child enrolled, fill out one form for each child:You can find information about courses in the course catalog.
  3. Return your completed form via e-mail or in-person:
    • E-mail: Send your completed form to The subject line should include the child’s first and last name, and their grade level next year. (For example, "John Smith 7" if your child’s name is John Smith and he is entering seventh grade.)
    • In-person: Submit the completed form at the Da Vinci front office.
  • We cannot guarantee that your child will be placed into all the courses selected on the form, however we will attempt to place them in as many as we can.
  • You can e-mail your bring both your course request forms and enrollment packets at the same time.

Ms. Martinez and French students win 3rd place in national media contest!

A group of French students of all levels were encouraged to participate in the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Media Contest 2020-2021. The purpose of AATF is to promote French teachers and their students to engage in cultural events, create and use authentic materials in the classroom, and provide opportunities to recognize professional excellence and student achievement.

It is with great pleasure that we recognize our students who participated this year and helped with the video! The theme was "Tout est possible avec le français" (Everything is possible with French). The purpose of our video was to convey the path of learning French and how it can impact one’s life to learn a new language.

The video, Le Rêve Diamant received a third place national ranking among 103 contributions!

Panda Express Fundraiser

The Da Vinci International Club will have a fundraiser Friday, April 9 from 10 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. at Panda Express located at 7826 Paseo del Norte.

  • When ordering in the drive-thru or inside, order normally and mention "Da Vinci". A portion of the proceeds from your meal will go to the International Club!
  • If you can’t make it to the Paseo del Norte location, you can order online at whatever location is convenient for you. Use the coupon code 902368 with your order and you can still support the International Club! It works nationwide too, so let your friends and family know!

Spring School Pictures/Fotos de Primavera

Students will be taking their individual spring picture this week. Face-to-face students will have their pictures taken Thursday, March 25 and virtual students on Friday, March 26. Students will take their picture during P.E. and are asked to wear their Sunday best. Students’ temperatures will be taken prior to entering the building on the 26th and parents will need to wait with their child on the side of the building facing the basketball courts.

P.E. schedules are as follows:

1st A & B11:30-12:15
Payment envelopes will be sent home with the face-to-face students this week. Virtual students will get their envelopes on March 26 before their picture is taken. You can also make your payment at

Los estudiantes tomarán su fotografía individual de primavera esta semana. Los estudiantes presenciales se toman la foto el jueves 25 de marzo y los estudiantes virtuales el viernes 26 de marzo. Las fotos se tomarán a la hora de Educación Física y se les pide que vistan su ropa favorita.

Se tomará la temperatura del estudiante antes de ingresar al edificio el día 26 y los padres deberán esperar con su hijo aun lado del edificio que da a las canchas de baloncesto.

Los horarios de Educación Física son los siguientes:

KA yKB10:15-11:00
1o A y B11:30-12:15
Los sobres de pago se enviarán a casa con los estudiantes presenciales este semana y los estudiantes virtuales recibirán los suyos el 26 de marzo antes de que se tome la fotografía. O también puede realizar su pago en